In the News
In the Almanac

The Church is collaborating with other religious organizations on more than 60 projects that will serve more than 42,000 children in the New York metro area.

The initiative also includes playing a part in a modern Nativity as part of the theme, “Let your light shine.”

Crowds on Times Square quiet as the Nativity is shared in iconic location.

At the intersection of commerce, tourism and entertainment in the United States, leaders of charitable organizations kicked off the global Giving Machine effort.

The Christmas lights on Temple Square in Salt Lake City were turned on after Thanksgiving. See photos of this year’s light display and find out how to see them and other Temple Square events.

More than 3,000 visitors view the display on opening night, “unite in celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.”

It can be hard to be patient when the wait is long. Like the Wise Men, watch the heavens and keep following the light of the star, observes Lloyd Newell in this week’s “Music & the Spoken Word” with The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square.

New features this year include an online “service shuffler” to get service ideas and videos featuring beneficiaries of Giving Machines.

See the Christmas lights at the Church’s temple visitors’ center grounds, including Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Temple Hill in Oakland, Mesa Arizona Temple, Washington D.C. Temple and the Hamilton New Zealand Temple.

“Jesus Christ is God’s transcendent gift,” the First Presidency testifies in its annual Christmas message.

Lights, music and cultural traditions are on display through the end of 2023 on and around Temple Square in Salt Lake City.

Giving Machines are in 61 locations this year in 7 countries. Find the operating dates, locations and ways to follow on social media.

Giving-focused vending machines to be in 61 locations across the U.S. and around the world, with options to donate online.

The First Presidency’s Christmas Devotional will be held on Sunday, Dec. 3, with music provided by The Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square.

Broadway’s Michael Maliakel and actor Lesley Nicol will be the guest artists at the Tabernacle Choir’s 2023 Christmas concert. Ticket registration for the random selection process opens Oct. 24.

See what the Church’s First Presidency has said about the Sunday meeting schedule for Latter-day Saints on Christmas Eve.

From Gladys Knight and Roma Downey in 2000, the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square’s Christmas concert has featured a variety of guest performers.

The background music in the Church’s #LightTheWorld videos is simple, but something about it has been capturing hearts since the first video launched in 2016.

A project reaching across the United States showed survivors they are not forgotten.

The #LightTheWorld initiative includes celebrations, Nativities, service projects and Giving Machine donations.

A flying “ghost” and falling candy have helped share stories of “A Christmas Carol” and the candy bomber during the Tabernacle Choir’s Christmas concerts. See 8 of them here.

“At Christmas, of course, we focus upon His birth. But, He will come again,” said President Russell M. Nelson.

Hear Tabernacle Choir guests Jane Seymour, Hugh Bonneville, Claire Bloom, John Rhys-Davies, Santino Fontana and Tom Brokaw read the Christmas story from Luke 2.

“The gift of the Son of God is a priceless gift. ... He is the gift that offers divine love, lasting hope and true joy,” President Eyring wrote in the December 2022 Liahona.

This Church News video features response of guests participating in 2022 Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert.

Latter-day Saints worked to help others and show love for the Savior in #LightTheWorld service projects around the Africa Central Area.

The 30-minute “Music & the Spoken Word” Christmas specials feature music from the Christmas concerts and the guest artists.

Follow this page for up-to-date information on locations and closing dates for the 31 Giving Machine sites around the world.

Three years ago the Church released a video seeking to portray the Nativity story in the most accurate way possible — “The Christ Child: A Nativity Story.” Watch it here.

#LightTheWorld events in Johannesburg, South Africa, included the theme, “Come serve as He served.”