In the News
In the Almanac
Sarah Jane Weaver

Sarah Jane Weaver is the executive editor of the Church News. Since 1995 she has covered, among other things, the Church’s welfare services, Church Education and social issues impacting Latter-day Saints. Her favorite assignments include reporting on temple dedications and writing about members around the world. Sarah graduated from BYU with a degree in journalism and history and served as editor in chief of the BYU student newspaper, the Daily Universe. Before joining the Deseret News staff, she completed a Pulliam Fellowship at the Arizona Republic in Phoenix, Ariz.

This Church News video features President Henry B. Eyring talking about his wife and her final years.

This generation of missionaries will be more successful than any generation in leading others to Jesus Christ, says Elder Christofferson.

In the U.S.-Mexico border town where families are sometimes divided by literal and figurative walls, the temple represents peace and unity.

When angel Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith — 200 years ago — it became “a family experience,” historians share in this Church News video “A Family of Faith.”

Church News podcast features October 2023 general conference speakers, temple announcements.

“My message this morning is simple. It is deep. And it is full of love for the Prophet Joseph Smith,” said President M. Russell Ballad.

After learning of President Nelson’s recent fall, Church News executive editor reflects on the lessons she learned from President Monson.

“I pray that each of us, wherever we may be, will approach this sacred weekend with our hearts full of gratitude,” writes President Russell M. Nelson.

Former coach Bronco Mendenhall says in this Church News video titled “Disciple of Christ” that learning to find answers to your questions may be as important as learning to play football.

The Church News podcast features an interview with President C. Shane Reese on his feelings for BYU, his career and history, and his passion for statistics and Church education.

Second edition of “Preach My Gospel” is an enhanced resource to all members and missionaries in sharing the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

Recent events in the Church of Jesus Christ reflect President Russell M. Nelson’s words about the increasing reach and influence of the Church and its members.

Since the angel Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith 200 years ago and shared about the Book of Mormon, the Restoration of the gospel has been ongoing, historians say in Church News video “Ongoing Restoration.”

The Church News podcast features Church Historian and Recorder, Elder Kyle S. McKay, and Keith A. Erekson of the Church History Department.

Education has always been a fundamental belief of the gospel of Jesus Christ, explained Elder Christofferson, Elder Rasband and President Johnson in Latin American devotional.

Research shows people who struggle with being unforgiving have a “25% to 50% increased risk of also having had some sort of cardiovascular health problem.”

As Sister J. Anette Dennis reflects on her life, she can see the Savior’s watchful care and influence, the counselor in the Relief Society general presidency says in the Church News video “Partnering with the Savior.”

“There’s not a decision that I make or that we make that doesn’t start with our beliefs,” said Bronco Mendenhall.

Church News reporter Mary Richards reports on the Maui wildfires, sharing the experiences of local leaders and members in their own words.

See photographs of Church President Russell M. Nelson marking his landmark 99th birthday at the Church Administration Building.

Luther College professor Loren L. Toussaint shares the health benefits of answering President Russell M. Nelson’s call to forgive.

Members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Missionary Executive Council speak on each chapter of the second edition of “Preach My Gospel” in these daily videos.

New Church News video “Child of God” features former BYU and UVA head football coach Bronco Mendenhall and his wife, Holly, sharing the things that are most important to them.

The records are the “tangible tracks” of his surgical career, said President Nelson during a special meeting in the Church Administration Building.

During a recent visit to their home in Montana, Sheri Dew asked Bronco and Holly Mendenhall the questions “we all wish we could ask them.”

This Church News video titled “My Mission Influence” features Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, Elder David A. Bednar, Elder Neil L. Andersen, Elder Gary E. Stevenson and Elder Dale G. Renlund speaking about drawing closer to Jesus Christ as full-time missionaries.

Gail Miller, owner of the Larry H. Miller Company, joins the Church News podcast to talk about her family’s philanthropy, her testimony of Jesus Christ and what she has learned by studying the life of Joseph Smith

Kenneth Rooks joins the Church News podcast to talk about overcoming hurdles and how his belief in Jesus Christ has blessed his life.

The new leader will be sustained during October 2023 general conference.

President M. Russell Ballard, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland and Elder Quentin L. Cook reflect in this Church News video on the history and impact of “Preach My Gospel” — and hopes for how families can use it.