In the News
In the Almanac
Joel Randall

Joel Randall is a writing intern with the Church News. He has worked as a writing/editing intern with the Liahona magazine, assistant copy editor at the BYU–Idaho Scroll newspaper and freelance copy editor on Joel is the author of the self-published book “Study, Sleep, Repeat: 130 Tips to Schedule Your College Life.” He was born in Arizona and graduated from Brigham Young University–Idaho with a degree in communication. Joel served a mission in the Peru Arequipa Mission from 2017 to 2019. He spends his free time playing Mario Kart and researching the etymologies of random words.

“We have the potential to accomplish some incredible — make that impossible — things in our lives,” said Elder Michael A. Dunn, General Authority Seventy.

How the biblical tabernacle of Moses invites Latter-day Saints to bring the light of the gospel wherever they go.

Alignment with Christ “is at the very heart of how we keep our baptismal and sacramental covenants,” shared Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson.

Elder Kevin W. Pearson, Utah Area president, spoke alongside members of five other religions in the Salt Lake Tabernacle on Tuesday.

“God will reveal to us the truth if we are willing to ask and then do the work required to receive revelation,” said President Brian K. Ashton in the semester’s first devotional.

“As we press forward, trusting in our Savior’s redeeming love ..., we will be prepared to receive all that our Heavenly Father has in store for us,” said BYU–Idaho President Henry J. Eyring.

“Do not be afraid to become more than you are — to do, to become, to overcome, to share,” said Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

Easter quotes about the Savior from the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

Stories from the last six months of the Prophet of the Restoration.

The event Friday, April 7, at 7 p.m. and will discuss the last six months of Joseph Smith’s life.

See what a Church News survey found about conference weekend traditions.

Applying the doctrine of Christ requires becoming engaged learners, keeping covenants and ministering to the one, said Elder Johnson.

Elder Gong talks about ancestral lands, accepting ordinances and other answers about temple and family history work.

Here’s how eight young adults are seeing temple and family history work “opening the heavens.”

“The Lord does not see education as separate and distinct from spirituality,” said Brother Milton Camargo, Sunday School general presidency counselor, at BYU–Hawaii devotional.

“The best way to love yourself is to keep the commandments,” said Bishop Budge, the second counselor in the Presiding Bishopric

Young Men general president’s message of finding happiness through Christ — despite unplanned moments — included anecdotes involving President Nelson.

“Christ’s promise is sure ― He will direct our paths if we commend ourselves to His keeping,” Young Women General President Bonnie H. Cordon teaches BYU–Idaho students.

A testimony of one’s divine heritage “is essential for all of us as we each strive to navigate the challenges of mortality,” says President Kusch.